C# to Python
Unit Testing with GitLab Pipelines

Testing is a fundamental skill that a developer should have when it comes to programming. There are many blog articles on how to best test your code, however, what makes this article special is that it shows the lessons learned by Yogesh Chaudhary, a Python Developer Intern at VersionBay. Yogesh is a […]

Touch Biometrix

Visualizing Fingerprints in 3D from Touch Biometrix Revolutionary Fingerprint Sensing Today’s technology users want a convenient and secure means of being identified when using smart technology. Touch Biometrix’s unique fingerprint sensing platform offers the solution. A biometric platform based on […]

Python 3.9 is out!

A new version of Python was released on October 5, 2020. This technical article will go over some of the highlights of what is new in Python 3.9 that are interesting if you are an Engineer, Scientist or Quant using […]